37 | t2_wojtas Beautiful Love Does It Delicately - BLOG
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28th June is Mine.

Three and Seven meet this time

And it means a perfect rhyme.

My birthday makes My inner self excited

Celebration makes My outer self highlighted.

Beautiful image is the greatest work of art

This magnificence comes from the bottom of My heart.

Be the reflection of glamour and beauty every day

Love the perfection of living this way.

Appreciate the glow of artistic value in Your soul

Make Your dreams come true towards the most desired goal.

Let the vision of fabulous life make You highlighted

Like the precision of following dreams make You delighted.

Enjoy life and love Yourself for everything that You are

Express Yourself because You shine just like a star.

Have a happy celebration

Reflection is Your fascination.

Be fabulous like in the illustration

Perfection is Your inspiration.

On this very special day for You.

May all of Your wishes come true

Today and always love You.

This is for Me.


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